Monthly Archives: January 2014

Rumput Tetangga

Pernah gak ngerasa enak banget sih jadi orang lain? Baru-baru ini gue ngerasa gitu. Gue diterima intern di sebuah portal berita yang cukup terkenal. Gue satu divisi sama temen gue, Yanto, tapi kita beda jobdesc. Dia megang satu website baru yang akan launching sekitar awal Februari, sedangkan gue megang tiga web lama dan ngisi artikel di salah satu web. Waktu tau jobdesc Yanto megang satu web gue agak ‘iri’. Enak juga megang satu web aja dan keliatannya lebih ringan dari jobdesc gue.

Waktu istirahat, gue ngobrol-ngobrol sama Yanto gimana kerjaan masing-masing. Dan ternyata Yanto malah bilang, “Enakan kerjaan lu, Ca”. Gue bilang, ” Gue malah mikir enakan lu, To. Hahaha”. Gue langsung mikir ternyata bener kalo rumput tetangga selalu terlihat lebih hijau. Continue reading

Cerita Hari Pertama

Kemarin hari pertama gue intern di sebuah kantor portal berita. Gue sangat excited sampe gue kepagian sampe di kantor. Ini bukan internship gue yang pertama karena gue sempet beberapa kali intern, tapi ini internship gue yang pertama di media.

Gue ditempatin di Divisi Community Development bareng temen gue. Jobdesc gue disini seru. Gue dipercayakan memegang 3 website dan bikin artikel di salah satu website. Pengalaman baru buat gue.

Continue reading

About Lie

Have you ever lied by someone you trust the most? How does it feel? Horrible.
Don’t they know that lies is so hurt?
They don’t want to lied by someone, do they?
Many reasons why people lies but for me lie is lie and I don’t care wether is white lie or not.
Fot the victim, maybe they can’t trust people easily. It really hurts lied by someone you trust.
For the liar, people can’t easily trust you. You break people’s trust and it’s not easy to get their trust again.
So, never lie to someone who trusts you and never trust someone who lies to you.

The Things I’ve Learned

1. Love yourself always
2. Don’t expect too much
3. Don’t easily trust other
4. Keep struggling and try my best
5. Family comes first
6. Be independent
7. Overthinking ruins everything
8. Always have faith and principle
9. Anything can happen
10. There is no forever. Everything just a phase and temporary

Lesson learned, 2013!

Stomach and Heart

One day I had a convo with my bestfriend. He has no girlfriend since 2011. Several times he tried to make a new relationship but failed. Many reasons. And now, he is in love with a girl in his campus. Really in love. He said that this girl feel the same way but she thinks that they aren’t be together. Principal reason. Though my bestie said they can fight together she still said no. And it makes my bestie sad.

I said, “Why you still fight for her while she doesn’t want fight for both of you?”. “I don’t know. I love her so much”, he said. “She said it waste time, right? I think you should forget her and find another girl. I know it’s not easy. It’s all about heart’s choiche”, I replied. Then he said, “You know, when you are hungry you can eat anything just to fill your stomach at that time. But when your heart empty, you couldn’t fill it with anyone randomly just to fill your heart at that time. Agree?” And I answered, “Absolutely agree, best”.

Have you ever miss something that actually didn’t exist? It just a thing not someone. Really a concrete thing not an abstract thing. You missed it eventhough you never have it. Weird. Once you can see and touch it but now you don’t know when you can see it again. Sounds silly.

Just realize that season changes and so do people. They become someone you didn’t know. And sometimes become someone they said they never be. Ironic.

Iseng-iseng Berhadiah

Adek gue lagi semangat-semangatnya ikutan kuis One Direction di twitter. Gak tau kenapa gue males ikut-ikut kuis di twitter gitu padahal gak jarang hadiahnya menarik banget. Gue jadi inget dulu waktu SD gue suka banget ikutan kuis-kuis yang ada di majalah Bobo dan sejenisnya. Ada dua pengalaman yang selalu gue inget sampe sekarang dan itu berhubungan sama kuis.

Gue sering banget ikutan kuis-kuis yang di majalah, tabloid, atau dari produk-produk tertentu. Gue coba semua kuis yang hadiahnya menurut gue menarik dari hadiah ambil mainan sepuasnya di Toy r us, playstation, Barbie, buku, sampe foto dan tandatangan artis idola gue. Iya, gue sempat segitu mengidolakan artis itu. Namanya juga bocah. Semua gue coba tapi gak satupun berhasil. Gue inget banget waktu itu Bokap gue sampe beli banyak kartu pos khusus buat gue kalo mau ikutan kuis. Continue reading

Are You Dating The Right One?

FYI, I love blogwalking. I found so many good blogs from Indonesia or other countries. Interesting. Many informations and inspirations I could find. It makes me to write better because I felt my blog isn’t good as theirs. So, tonight when I felt boredom while search some data for my thesis, I blogwalked. And here I found an interesting post from this and I think it’s okay to share it in my blog.



32 Signs You’re Dating A Keeper


1. You don’t have to wait three or more hours for a response for a simple text every time you send one.

2. They aren’t embarrassed or put out by introducing you to their friends/including you sometimes in their outings.

3. They are willing to give, or at least share, the last slice of pizza.

4. You are not afraid to be yourself around them — your strange humor, your occasionally awkward mannerisms, your interests in things that other people might consider a waste of time.

5. Even if what you like might not be their favorite thing, they are always willing to give things a try if they are important to you.

6. They don’t fill your Facebook wall with inappropriate “OMG baby it’s been almost a week! Miss u so much!”-esque posts, because no one deserves to have to look at that.

7. They respect not only you, but the people you love in your life — if they are super sweet to you but constantly ragging on your parents/friends, you need to cut them loose. Continue reading


1: SMA itu tai deh.
2: Gaklah justru SMA itu seru-serunya.
3: Mantan lu jadian sama sahabat lu sendiri hahaha.
1: Kalo lu diselingkuhin, ditikung sahabat lu juga lagi hahaha.
4: Gue juga dulu pernah bego malu-maluin deh.
1: Inget gak kita pernah ada kasus sama satu guru yang sama?
3: Padahal dulu gue ketua kelas.
4: Dulu lu anak kesayangan dia tapi akhirnya malah dimaki-maki.
1: Kita juga dulu korbannya dia kali, dikeluarin dari kelas gara-gara ketauan main game.
3: Kalo jaman banjir gini sekolah diliburin seminggu nih.
4: Lu pernah nyebar foto si D*** lagi boker.
1: Inget gak muka si B*** pernah dicoret-coret sekelas?
3: Si B*** sok playboy tapi dongo gak kaya si B**** beneran playboy.
4: Gue kan pernah naksir si B****.
3: Tapi lu keren pernah bikin si B**** di-DO.
2: SMA itu jamannya bego, tolol banget ngelakuin apaan aja ya.
1: Gue suka kesel sama sekolah gue
3: Dia udah tau busuk-busuknya gue, gue juga udah tau busuk-busuknya dia.
4: Kita bakalan jadi sahabat sampe nanti nikah trus punya anak.